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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Something to hide Kanye? West peeks out from a huge hat as Kim Kardashian laps up the attention on date night

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Temmy, a fun loving creative writer, is a graduate of Lead City University. She simply loves life, others and God. Aside writing, she enjoys counselling and encouraging others.‎


[full]For most couples a nice date night may be a dinner and a movie.
But if you are doing your best to become style icons like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, a great night out is one spent at the photo studio.
The It pair treated themselves to some not so alone time at Milk Studios in New York late on Thursday.
After an evening of romance in front to the camera lens with really great lighting, the loved up pair emerged arm in arm.

Besides being romantic, Kanye chivalrously offering his bride-to-be his arm also ensured the
33-year-old kept her balance on Manhattan’s icy pavement in her spectacular boots.
The six inch stilettos may have been a poor choice for the conditions, but matched perfectly with her all black look.

This week the couple’s engagement finally aired on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

With Kanye hiring out an entire stadium, planning a fireworks display and having a 90 piece orchestra to help him get down on one knee, the internet is already abuzz about his lavish plans for the wedding.
According to Heat magazine, the parents of baby North will tie the knot in the ‘event of the year’ – if Kanye has anything to do with it.
The rapper has allegedly become a groomzilla with a source revealing: ‘Think fashion runway, stage show performance. Think avant-garde. Think nothing like you’ve ever seen.

Source: dailymail[/full]






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