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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Itu Khune and Majoro gyms with their bae

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Temmy, a fun loving creative writer, is a graduate of Lead City University. She simply loves life, others and God. Aside writing, she enjoys counselling and encouraging others.‎

Itu Khune and his bae Sbahle Mpisane are known to be fitness partners, the duo who always gym together are been joined by Itu’s colleague, Majoro and his bae.

Guess it was a gym double date. Itu Khune and Sbahle are spreading that fitness cheer to their pals. Itu shared some videos of himself with Lehlohonolo Majoro and also later shared pictures of the four at the gym.

itu khune

Lehlohonolo Majoro, 29-year-old striker recently posted on his Twitter account that he was “tired of being a spectator”.

Majoro, who felt under utilized in his team, has made only 18 appearances for Bucs in all competitions this season. Tendai Ndoro and Thamsanqa Gabuza have been preferred strikers ahead of him.

He has played just four minutes for Pirates in the club’s last six games and it seems that this has not sat well with the former AmaZulu striker as he took to twitter to voice his frustration.

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