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Hip Hop Pantsula (HHP) has taken an unexpected direction with his music

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Temmy, a fun loving creative writer, is a graduate of Lead City University. She simply loves life, others and God. Aside writing, she enjoys counselling and encouraging others.‎

BEST known as one of the pioneers of Motswako rap, Hip Hop Pantsula (HHP) has taken an unexpected direction with his music by going the popular electro route.


[full]HHP (real name Jabulani Tsambo) took his first leap into the dance arena last year with his collaboration with veteran house vocalist Harrison Crump and Omar Hunter El on So Amazing.

This time, working with producer Thaso, HHP says he has completed his concept house music project called Do Not Disturb.

But this does not mean that he has abandoned his rap roots.

HHP is simultaneously recording an Afro-rap album, Daraja, named after his recent walk to Kenya. “Daraja” means “the bridge” in Swahili.

The rapper did the walk last year to start a conversation about how to “modernise the African continent without westernising it”.

He also used the opportunity to record music with artists from various parts of the continent.

He plans to release an album made of material from both recordings in August.

“My name speaks for itself, Hip Hop Pantsula; I was the first rapper in the 1990s to rap in Setswana to kwaito beats, so it shouldn’t be a shock that I’m now experimenting with house music,” he said.

“I collaborated with 12 musicians from different parts of Africa during Dajara my walk to Kenya.

“I realised then that all these successful African musicians do well because they are always experimenting with different genres.

“I’m an advocate of setting the force for change in the music industry, I’ve never been comfortable with being a follower.”

The Bosso Ke Mang hitmaker said one of the reasons he was exploring house music was his experience at events.

“I was sick of going to events where they play house music and people would go crazy, only to stop dancing when I go on stage because my music would slow the tempo,” he admitted.

He became curious about house music six years ago while playing in the studio with pop maverick Thebe.

“My freestyle went so well with the beat and Thebe’s vocals that I couldn’t suppress my excitement because I’m the kind of guy who likes to party to music, not just perform.”

On the flip side, HHP said, the decision to switch genres had not been welcomed by his hardcore hip-hop peers.

“Doing rap alone won’t pay the bills and it’s important for artists to make fresh and original music; you got to keep your fans on their feet,” said the Mmabatho-born star, insisting that he is not “selling out”.

“People will always try to put you in a box, but I’m not too worried because I have always been experimental.

“My biggest hits were always the most criticised before they made it big.”

The busy HHP is also recording Mzansi Magic’s choral extravaganza show Clash of the Choirs, where he is choirmaster for the Free State choir.

Source – sundayworld[/full]

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