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Monday, June 3, 2024

Chris Brown’s Babymama, Nia Guzman throws a Frozen-themed birthday party for Royalty

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Temmy, a fun loving creative writer, is a graduate of Lead City University. She simply loves life, others and God. Aside writing, she enjoys counselling and encouraging others.‎

Nia Guzman threw a Frozen themed party for her daughter, Royalty, to celebrate her second birthday. Chris Brown wasn’t however present considering he also threw his own party for her a while back.


Nia finally speaks for the first time about her relationship with Chris Brown, stated that there is absolutely nothing good about co-parenting with the singer.

In an exclusive interview with Latina, Nia Guzman said that there is “nothing positive” about co-parenting with a famous figure like Chris Brown. She revealed that the “Turn Up The Music” singer had been always aware that she gave birth to Royalty two years ago. However, she added that it was only last year when Chris Brown chose to publicly acknowledge Royalty after he felt that he was ready to deal with the situation.


Nia Guzman narrated that she agreed to keep the news of Royalty’s birth private because she was afraid of the whole situation given the fact that Chris Brown is in the public eye. “I know that he’s young, he’s wild, and he has the bad boy persona, and I just knew that it just wasn’t going to be the best situation,” the single mom added.


Nia Guzman also aired her side about her latest word war with Chris Brown, wherein the hitmaker slammed her on Instagram over pictures of Royalty dressed in a tutu. She said that she would never sexualize her daughter.

Nia Guzman also added that she found Chris Brown’s remark “insane” considering that he had already seen a video of Royalty going to a ballet class on that day. She was also disappointed that Chris Brown did not pick up the phone to privately talk to her about the issue.

Nia Guzman disclosed that she wanted Royalty to grow up as normal as possible. Although she acknowledged that it would be difficult considering that Chris Brown is around, she said that she would try her best so that Royalty would not turn into a “spoiled little rich kid.”

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